Carbon Offset Program

Fly Responsibly: Offset Your Carbon Footprint and Make a Positive Impact!

Offset The Emission of Your Private Flight and fly sustainably

Private aviation accounts for 0.04% of total global CO2 emissions. Although this is a relatively low contribution, aviation has been pegged as a heavy-emitting sector. 

The importance of travel, the advantages and conveniences of private aviation, and its positive economic impact on society will still be key enablers for the private aviation industry. However, we and the majority of our members believe that flying must be deployed more responsibly and stainable to our planet.

Our Membership provides realistic offset measures that enable members to automatically compensate for the emission of their flights.

Let's be honest

Unfortunately, electric or hydrogen-powered aircraft are not viable solutions yet to replace traditional aircraft, as well as travelling by train is unsuitable for most itineraries. SAF (Sustainable aviation fuel) is still expensive, and its availability is extremely limited to a few airports. 

At Axends, we believe in taking action to protect our environment and contribute to lower emissions. However, we must do so with the technologies and solutions available today until we can transition into the technologies promised for tomorrow.

That’s why our members have the opportunity to automatically offset their flights’ carbon emissions when subscribing to one of our plans. With an Axends membership, all flights are offered to be offseted as standard. 

How Carbon Offset Works?

Carbon offsetting is a mechanism that allows individuals and businesses to take responsibility for their carbon emissions by supporting projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. It works on the principle that if one source of emissions is compensated by an equal reduction or removal elsewhere, the net impact on the environment is neutral.

The process begins by calculating the carbon footprint of an activity, such as a flight, by estimating the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. This includes carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants associated with the activity. Once the emissions are quantified, individuals or companies can choose to offset that amount by investing in projects that help reduce or remove an equivalent amount of emissions from the atmosphere.

Carbon offset projects can take various forms, such as renewable energy initiatives, reforestation and afforestation projects, methane capture from landfills, or energy efficiency programs. These projects are carefully selected based on their ability to generate real and measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. By investing in these projects, individuals and businesses effectively cancel out their own emissions, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

The offsetting process typically involves purchasing carbon credits or offsets, which represent the equivalent reduction or removal of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent. These credits are certified and verified by reputable standards and organisations to ensure transparency and accountability.

It’s important to note that carbon offsetting is not a substitute for reducing emissions at the source. It should be seen as a complementary measure to address emissions that are currently unavoidable or challenging to mitigate. By offsetting emissions, individuals and businesses can take immediate action to mitigate their environmental impact while also supporting sustainable projects that benefit communities and the planet.

At Axends, our members have the possibility to offset 150% of the carbon emissions of their flights, resulting in a positive net effect.

Carbon Offset Projects

Carbon emission offset projects cover a wide range of initiatives aimed at reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. Some common types of projects supported via carbon emission offset include:

  1. Renewable Energy Projects: These projects focus on generating clean, renewable energy to replace fossil fuel-based sources. Examples include wind farms, solar power installations, hydroelectric power plants, and geothermal energy projects.

  2. Afforestation and Reforestation: These projects involve planting trees or restoring forests to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Trees act as natural carbon sinks, sequestering CO2 and releasing oxygen. They also contribute to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration.

  3. Methane Capture and Utilization: Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with a high global warming potential. Projects that capture methane emissions from landfills, agricultural activities, or industrial processes and convert it into energy or other useful products help reduce its impact on the climate.

  4. Energy Efficiency and Conservation: These projects aim to improve energy efficiency in various sectors, including buildings, industries, and transportation. By reducing energy consumption, these initiatives help decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy production and use.

  5. Clean Cookstove Programs: In regions where traditional cooking methods rely on biomass fuels like wood or charcoal, clean cookstove programs promote the use of energy-efficient cookstoves that minimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions of harmful pollutants.

  6. Waste Management and Recycling: Projects focused on waste management promote practices such as waste reduction, recycling, composting, and landfill gas capture. These initiatives help reduce methane emissions from decomposing waste and conserve resources.

  7. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): CCS projects involve capturing carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes or power plants and permanently storing it underground, preventing its release into the atmosphere.

The goal is to invest in initiatives that have a measurable and verifiable impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

The Benefits Of Carbon Offsetting

Benefits for our members

Why do our members choose to offset the carbon emissions of their flights?

  • Easy to join: The offset is automatically calculated and presented on your quote,
  • Positive environmental impact: Our members play their part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combatting climate change.
  • Demonstrating corporate responsibility: Flying with an offset plan in place showcases your commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.
  • Enhanced brand image: You differentiate your company as a responsible and eco-conscious organisation, enrolling on membership that mitigates your travel carbon emission.


Our Members receive twice a year their offset report, highlighting the projects in which their carbon credits were invested and the overall impact, including the total emission offset by the program. 

Benefits for the environment

  • Carbon neutrality: Offset the emissions generated by your flights, effectively balancing out your environmental impact.
  • Supporting clean energy projects: The purchase of carbon credits directly funds projects that promote renewable energy, reforestation, and sustainable development.
  • Conserving natural resources: Contribute to the preservation of our planet’s natural resources and biodiversity.
  • Climate change mitigation: By offsetting emissions, we collectively work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for future generations.

Join us in making a difference. Choose Axends for your private aviation needs and fly responsibly, knowing that every journey contributes to a greener world.